Satellite imagery history

Satellite imagery history

Innovation in satellite imagery has changed the way we observe the Earth and how we process and analyze the voluminous data now available.   Scientists and engineers began gathering detailed images of the Earth back in the 1960s, starting with low-resolution...

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What is a smallsat?

Smallsats are revolutionizing the way we leverage space as a resource and have been a driving force in the new space revolution.

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Colonial pipeline, new jersey

Colonial pipeline, new jersey

BlackSky’s network of satellites captured imagery today of the Colonial Pipeline facilities in New Jersey. Images like these combined with the 1 million data elements and 15,000 events that Spectra’s AI/ML engine interprets daily can help teams on the ground make rapid decisions about immediate project needs.

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BlackSky ceo goes further into the cloud with constellations

BlackSky ceo goes further into the cloud with constellations

BlackSky is a geospatial intelligence company taking advantage of the economics of small satellites to efficiently carry out global monitoring. But according to BlackSky CEO Brian O’Toole, the company “is more of a software data analytics company that happens to own...

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A heavenly view of the christmas star

A heavenly view of the christmas star

In the heavens, it’s all about perspective. A rare astronomical event occurred just after sunset on Dec. 21, 2020, when our solar system’s two largest planets – Jupiter and Saturn – appeared (to the naked eye) to cross paths, creating what appeared to be one bright...

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BlackSky satellites deliver first images within 58 hours of launch

BlackSky satellites deliver first images within 58 hours of launch

Our fifth and sixth satellites launched into orbit on August 7 and began delivering imagery 58 hours after launch, which is unprecedented. Those satellites in conjunction with the advanced analytics offered by our Spectra AI platform, have allowed BlackSky to provide our customers with high velocity insights that were previously unattainable. In less than a week!

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